Frederick County, Maryland Art Teacher and Photographer

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Bird and Snake, Point of Rocks Photographer(s)

I walked out on the deck at noon to eat my lunch to hear a two catbirds, many robins, a couple of red finches, a mocking bird and a blackbird all screaming at each other as they flitted between the fence and two of our Green Giant trees (like Leyland Cypress). We thought it was a fight over a nest with the catbird causing the trouble.  We observed this for about five minutes and then things quieted down.  Ryan finally walked over to the tree to yell, "I snake is consuming a bird!"  This is what Ryan and I caught on camera….I still have chills after seeing this.
Ryan said the snake is still up in the tree and trying to eat the last of the feathers.  Bon Appetit!

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