Frederick County, Maryland Art Teacher and Photographer

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I’ve had a sudden burst of creativity. It’s different then what I’ve had at other times of my life-primarily because it involves writing to describe the visual. Not like when I used to apply the visual to capture life.

In talking with my therapist, she noted that my oldest son Liam, who seems to know how to press every button to aggravate me, may require the same creative outlet that I need. We have always known that he does better when given a job to do and while he is only 4 years old I am try to come up with jobs to keep him active. The other day I handed him my point-and-shoot digital camera in order to distract him during a visit with a friend. He had spent the first two hours of the visit whining and throwing tantrum after tantrum. But once he started photographing his mood changed. He must have taken 40 photos and some of them were good! So I need to somehow guide Liam to use those talents for constructive creativity (does cutting his brother’s hair count as constructive?).

In the meantime I am left with a flood of my own creative ideas that need to be expressed, yet at the detriment to my family, since it takes time. Of course when I was younger I had time to devote to art and myself. Now as a mother of two my life is filled with serving my children. How can I take the time to be creative when I can’t even use the bathroom in private?

I don’t know who I am writing this for, other than me….it’s a diary of sorts.

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