Frugal Frederick
I have always been frugal out of necessity and for the love of the environment. I don't like tossing something that is perfectly usable (hence the reason we waiting so long to buy a fridge to replace the 17-year-old almond colored appliance in our home). Here are a some ways to save while living in Frederick County, Maryland.
I have always been frugal out of necessity and for the love of the environment. I don't like tossing something that is perfectly usable (hence the reason we waiting so long to buy a fridge to replace the 17-year-old almond colored appliance in our home). Here are a some ways to save while living in Frederick County, Maryland.
Recycling Plant-Ryan went to the dump to toss broken and over used baby items and the told him that most could be discarded (for free) at the Recylcying plant next-door. He had plastics, metal and car
batteries and did not have to pay the dumping fee. With all the plastic items that are made for kids this is a good way to dispose of these things.

They also have compost/leaf mulch for a reasonable price if you don't have your own.
Plant your own garden. Then you can use the homemade compost.
Use newspaper not landscape fabric to keep out
weeds. Place a layer of about 5 sheets and
then mulch. It is better for the environment
and your garden.
Shopping in downtown Frederick lends itself to
some fun thrift stores on Patrick Street such as Chic to Chic Consignment Boutique and Venus on the Half Shell and Select Second Hospital Thrift is worth a look too. Check out Lucy’s Quality Children’s Consignment and Sweet Pea Consignment for children’s items. I love to shop at Plato’s Closet. It really is geared towards teens, but it’s
worth a look. In addition to the numerous antique stores in Frederick a new consignment store in Buckeystown just opened called, Addison's Attic.
Free stuff include summer children’s programs in
Baker Park, Library Story-times, visit each Frederick County Public Library for
a tour of the county and a new perspective of sharing reading materials. My sons and I love to visit the Earth Science and Space Lab (ESSL) in downtown Frederick for evening and summer programs. It's a great way to beat the heat while educating yourself as well. Tickets for the planetarium shows are reasonable and worth it!
Take out a map and locate all the children’s
playgrounds owned by Frederick County.
Water Fun: We don't have a pool in which we belong to so we have to be inventive. The Potomac River which flows next to the
C&O Canal, Monocacy River (very shallow at Buckeystown Park) and Cunningham Falls ($3.00 per car) are all great places to cool off in the summer. At Cunningham Falls we visit the aviary and then play in the shallow
stair-step waterfall, and tire park (1st entrance from the South). There is also a beach area, which I have not tried in the summer, but looks great-just get there early! We also love a nice dip a Loyes Covered Bridge. It has a playground but skip
that for the water! I'll have another post on the fun to be had there.
MARC train is a cheap, stress-free ride into
Downtown DC if you can visit Monday through Friday. Early morning departures puts you there in
time for a quick breakfast and museum opening hours. Kids under five are free. Depart from Point of Rocks, Brunswick and
Feel free to send a comment with more ideas.
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