Frederick County, Maryland Art Teacher and Photographer

Monday, August 24, 2009

Bus Stop

As a child I grew up with parents who worked for the Federal government. Bureaucrats. This at a time when some mothers worked outside of the home and others stayed home to raise their brood. I always expected to have a job outside the home as well when I became a parent, and I did for the first year of my son’s life. But here I am today, escorting my son to the bus stop and getting ready do it for the next 179 days of school. I thought it would be a once a year experience, taking him to the bus stop, with a daycare provider taking over the rest of the year. Instead I’m the daycare provider, and stay-at home mother, as well as a business owner. Something I should undoubtedly be proud of yet, I still find myself wondering how it ended up like this. I can look at myself as the lucky one who gets to do this twice daily walk with my boys. And I am lucky. We don’t have to worry about before and after school care, who will stay home with him on a sick day and who will be in charge of his lunch packing, homework helping and afternoon snack feeding. It will be my role to do all of these things, unlike my mother, some thirty years ago (to be fair, both of my parents helped with homework ).
I feel like June Cleaver without the pretty dress.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Quotes, continued....

At an Italian restaurant in downtown Frederick after consuming nearly the entire contents of the breadbasket Luke said, “When we leave here, I want to come back here!’ and he hadn’t even had the tiramisu yet!
After a long drive home in the driving rain listening to Luke's (3) questions about animals and nature I said, "Luke you think big thoughts and little thoughts, don't you?" Liam (5) responded and said, "I think medium size thoughts."
While I was cutting an onion Liam said “Onions make you cry”. I answered, “Yes, among other things.”
Andrea went to the grocery and picked what she thought was Folgers French or Columbian Roast off the shelf (anything strong). Later at home while making the coffee she looked at the label and was in dismay upon reading that is was ½ Caffeine. She muttered something unprintable and Liam said, ‘You should have read the label before you buy.”
After the boys were tucked in Ryan went into the bedroom thinking they were sound asleep and it was time to turn their light off. Luke looked up at his father and said, ”Why you come’d in here?”
The boys and daycare kids attended Library Story Time in which the theme was opposites. Later that day we discussed and named things that were opposites. When I asked, “What is the opposite of smart?” Ethan responded, “Not smart!”
We were in the grocery picking out things for Liam’s Kindergarten lunches. While picking out the juice boxes Liam said, “These will be good for preschool.” I said “You aren’t going to preschool.” He responded, “Oh, that’s right, college!”